Wishes for 2018

Here are my wishes for 2018 for each of us:

If the unexamined life is not worth living, is the un-lived life worth examining? Live life to the fullest – every single moment of it. Take risks, build new things and new relationships, give abundantly.

You cannot stare at someone else’s mortality without becoming acutely aware of your own. Life is altogether too short. But we cannot live as though we are going to die tomorrow – that would be paralyzing. Live with the awareness that there is an end, and its timing is uncertain. That will force you to search for your real values, give them their due and de-prioritize everything else you consider trivial.

Do not be afraid to hold beliefs that don’t have consensus. From the Bible (Acts 17:23b): “ἀγνώστῳ θεῷ. ὃ οὖν ἀγνοοῦντες εὐσεβεῖτε, τοῦτο ἐγὼ καταγγέλλω ὑμῖν.” When Paul, spreading the teachings of Jesus, arrives in Greece, he sees their temples to their many gods and even finds one that says “To an unknown God”. Continuing the religious metaphor, your gods may not have scriptures yet. Step beyond the confines of existing knowledge and what has already been written.

And above all, be kind to yourself.

Happy new year.